School of Magic

Learn the art and science of magic at one of our seminars.

  • What is the cost?
    • One-day classes cost $125 per student.
    • Three-day workshops cost $245 per student.
    • Special seminars and classes are priced as shown below.
  • I’d like to attend one of the (math, mentalism, or magic) classes, but it is not scheduled.
    • Call us.  We will try to schedule a class.  Some classes are not regularly scheduled because they are more advanced (mentalism) or not popular (shortcut math tricks)
  • Is magic real?  No.  We teach tricks and illusions.  There is nothing spiritual or paranormal about it.  We can’t really read minds or make objects teleport, but we can give the illusion of doing many extraordinary things.
  • What age students do you accept?  It depends on the class being taught.  Generally, the classes are designed for those older than seven.  Some classes are only for adults.  Check the course schedule below.
  • When are the classes?  Classes are taught from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
  • Where are the classes? 1412 17th Street, Ste. 311
  • Do you provide the supplies? Yes, students will receive appropriate cards, gimmicks, silks, and other items needed to perform the tricks being taught except for money manipulations and transformations.  We can’t give away $100 bills for a class that only costs $125.
  • Do you provide lunch?  Yes, chicken tacos from Fresco Mexican Grill.  We will try to accommodate any special dietary needs, but we have limited ability to do so because we are not cooks – we are magicians.
  • What tricks are you teaching the students?  That depends on which class we are teaching.  Currently scheduled classes are:
    • Mate Meeting Magic (adult only) – March 22, 2023, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – special seminar.  No meal served.  $100.
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    • Tips for Tips (age 8-12) –  Part 1 of 2 – April 8, 2023, Morning Session – lunch included.
    • Impromptu    (age 8-12) – Part 2 of 2 – April 8, 2023, Afternoon Session – lunch included.
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    • Card Methods (age 10 – 14) – May 13, 2023, lunch included
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    • Mate Meeting Magic (adult only) – May 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – special seminar.  No meal served.  $100.
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    • Tips for Tips (age 8-12) –  Part 1 of 2 – June 10, 2023, Morning Session – lunch included.
    • Impromptu    (age 8-12) – Part 2 of 2 -June 10, 2023, Afternoon Session – lunch included.
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    • To Be Announced – July 8, 2023, lunch included
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    • Summer Magic Workshop for ages 9 – 12 – July 10, 2023, lunch included
    • Summer Magic Workshop for ages 9 – 12 – July 11, 2023, lunch included
    • Summer Magic Workshop for ages 9 – 12 – July 12, 2023, lunch included
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    • Summer Magic Workshop for ages 12 – 14 – July 17, 2023, lunch included
    • Summer Magic Workshop for ages 12 – 14 – July 18, 2023, lunch included
    • Summer Magic Workshop for ages 12 – 14 – July 19, 2023, lunch included